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Were We Made for Human Connections?

Hands clasped together by two people a physical connection
Connections by TB

What makes us want to be a part of a community? What makes us want to have the attention of another person? Why do we seek after love and acceptance from those around us? Finally, why in some instances are we compelled to relate to others and have others relate to us in experiences, likes, dislikes interests and adventures? Are we just attention seeking vultures or were we made to display this expression of need for human connections?

Connecting to others is the will of God in that He didn’t make just one human. We Learn from Adam and Eve in the Bible Genesis 2:18-25 NKJV that God didn’t want us to be alone, not only did God create another human but made them different not a man but a woman who was very different in all ways. It wasn’t just a head to toes physical difference either, but a heart and mind difference as well. Not one human is like another. Let’s say you don’t believe in Adam and Eve and that is fine. This doesn’t change that there are many humans and not just one or just you. How boring it would be if we were all alike. And, how lonely would it be to be all alone with no other humans. Everyone, whether we openly say it or not wants to have a human connection with others, wants to be heard, accepted, appreciated, and loved. Especially Loved.

We were created to Love not just our selves or our closest relationships but all people and this is exactly what God gave to us in his demonstration of Jesus’s sacrifice. The world teaches differences don’t matter but they are a bad example of how they do matter. Segregation is still a thing; prejudice is still a thing, distancing ourselves out of fear is still a thing, and judging others to avoid them is still a thing.

Our connections are not made on just a surface level they are deep even in the smallest way in a conversation you have in a grocery store on the street or in the workplace. Things connect us to each other these could be children, sports, tattoos, piercings, music, TV shows and places we visit. The part that can be hard is making the connection and then keeping the connection. The question: Were we made for connections and how do we know this?

A baby is ready to come into the world. The mother has carried the baby in her body for nine months, cocooned in a protective case. The cord that links mother to baby is its lifeline. While the baby is on the journey to growth it becomes accustomed to the sound of the mother’s heartbeat, how the mother breathes and the mood the mother may be in. When it is time for the baby to emerge into the world the first place all nurses place the child naked is on the bare skin of the mother. This is because instantly the baby needs to feel that bond that connection that was made in the womb. From that moment on a connection between a mother and her child and vice versa is the first established connection. But what if you are born out of the womb and are not able to be placed on your mother’s chest to feel that familiar connection. Are you then without connection or the ability to be connected. Hopefully not because instinctively another human not able to resist would care for you.

Because connections with other people are such an important part of our existence, we gravitate towards things that give us a feeling of belonging to a group and we strive for the acceptance of others. Our drive at times is the simple fact that someone else exists with the same circumstances and experiences we have. One thing we should recognize is that even if we have the acceptance from those around us at some point, we will desire to want to give a piece of ourselves to another so that they are not left feeling as though they are not connected. Charitable acts are how we are given the opportunity to show this to another person. This act helps us to feel like we are purposeful and that we are a good person. It leaves an imprint on us that we are capable of good deeds towards mankind. No matter how we try to say we don’t need a person, that we are fine alone it is fact that we all need these connections with others it fulfills us, gives us a sense of security.

We were made for human connections and the proof lies in this truth that some of us have lost connections for one reason or another and reconciliation at this time may not be an option. This doesn’t excuse us from still desiring to have a connection or missing the previous connection we had. Once we have lost someone either by choice of our own or theirs it affects us deeply and leaves a void. Something I want to leave you with; we are all going extinct, there is only one me and one you. Consider it a rear find, a treasure, with every person you encounter because there is also only one of them. Sure, we all may have some of the same behavior traits, but really can we fault anyone. We ourselves have behavior traits that can, will, and do leave the wrong impression. This too builds a connection even if it’s negative.

If none of these things give reason for you to believe that we were made to be connected to each other let me leave you with this there is no conversation needed or a face-to-face interaction needed at all between you and I, yet we are still connected just by the simple truth as I am here writing this you are here reading it……. bam connection! I challenge you to see for yourself, it has been said that the best way to know something is to go in search for it, so my challenge is that you intentionally look for the numerous connections around you in social settings and then in your own personal life. I guarantee you that they will be made and without very little effort at all and why because we were made for human connections. Connections are not just a simple act of kindness or a feeling of complete belonging but an act of Love.

When we come together we make great things
Star Together A Photo By TB

1st Peter 4:8 NKJV

And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”

John 13:34 NKJV

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 NKJV

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

James 1:19 NKJV

So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;

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